Fans Put Out “Release the Snyder Cut” Rap Song

Sometimes movements can use a catchy tune to get supporters rallied up behind a cause. So figured fans of Zack Snyder who, to this day, continue to call on Warner Bros. to “release the Snyder Cut”.

The lyrics of the around 4-minute-long rap song call Warner Bros “an entity bent on greed” and “those bastards”, name Zack Snyder a genius and “old master” and dub Justice League’s theatrical cut a movie that “looked like a low-budget piece of shit that sucked to see”.

“We gonna riot unless they release the Snyder Cut,” goes the song’s refrain.

Another line says “Stop it, release the Snyder Cut or we’ll set fire to Hollywood.”

The tune is taken from Justice League’s trailer music and Man of Steel’s score. The video attached to the song also includes shots of an evil Mickey Mouse, Rotten Tomatoes scores of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and clips of Fat Thor and Smart Hulk from Avengers: Endgame narrated with “it’s funny how nothing about Marvel is marvelous”. The song then appears to accuse fans of Marvel movies to have “horrible taste in art” and being “sheep”.

The video ends with a titlecard reading “In Memory of Autumn Snyder”.

Read the (roughly transcribed) lyrics and listen to the song below.

Imagine you’re an artists
Who pours his art into his craft and hopes
The result will be his magnum opus

But there’s an entity
Bent on greed
It has control and without regard to your genius
It goes back and omits almost half of your shit

They don’t know about how much passions
goes into a monument of cinematic [inaudible] After going through all of this
Once the public asked to have the masses shown it
Those bastards chose to act as though
In fact it don’t exist but we know that it’s no myth

And so since Zack opposes the status-quo
His crowning achievement wound up receiving the lousiest treatment
And yo when that’s what has us so pissed

The time has come for you to join the front lines with us
Fight for what you believe in even when they try to front
And rise above ’cause Zack has sacrificed enough
So we gon riot unless they release the Snyder Cut

And time has come for you to join the front lines with us
Fight for what you believe in even when they try to front
And rise above ’cause Zack has sacrificed enough
So we gon riot unless they release the Snyder Cut

Every grandiose dynamic pose
Reminds the fans at home of Michaelangelo
This man’s a pro
Snyder stands alone
Behind the camera yo
Every shot’s framed as
If this shit were out of some
Renaissance painting

By an old master
They try to hold back
The Justice League corrupting treated like it don’t matter
That’s what we’re so mad about
Our lives don’t have to be drawn into something
You’ll achieved with [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] Except the potential expense of artistic integrity
Because of all the harm the suits in those studios do
We made the call to arms

And we’re greatful for soldiers like Jason Momoa
Our ace in the hole in the struggle for creative control in the DCEU
All the places he goes to
He [inaudible] [inaudible]

Thanks to Fiona, Ray Fisher and Ray Porter
They fought to maintain order and try to make sure
The vision is upheld
Everyone who prayed for his late daughter
You can just tell that he appreciates [inaudible]

It’s a shame Warner Brothers didn’t respectfully
Let him reflect and grieve
Instead they pressed the lead
On every epic scene the second he requested [inaudible] That [inaudible] even mentioned during the credits
How is she gonna rest in peace?

The time has come for you to join the front lines with us
Fight for what you believe in even when they try to front
And rise above ’cause Zack has sacrificed enough
So we gon riot unless they release the Snyder Cut

And time has come for you to join the front lines with us
Fight for what you believe in even when they try to front
And rise above ’cause Zack has sacrificed enough
So we gon riot unless they release the Snyder Cut

I noticed a common belief
That when a movie is based on a comic
It needs constant comic relief
Nah that’s not what that means
Unpopular as drama has been deemed
I don’t blamed Warner Bros for wanting a piece

When the competition is driven by a monster machine
Monopolizing and being given dishonest critiques
To either beat them or join them are the only options
It seems an obvious choice when you already got an astonishing lead

The problem with greed is it’ll have you demolish quality scenes
To instead copy what somebody perceives
To be the formula for seeing profits increase
Stop it release the Snyder Cut
Or we’ll set fire to Hollywood streets

And there’s an ironic part to this
It’s funny how nothing about Marvel is marvelous
Disagree with this remark and get hit with a Sparta kick
It’s hard convincing someone with horrible taste in art to switch

I see lots of the sheep flocking
I’m watching haters (sheep)
But when each plot is designed to cater
To the least common denominator
What more would you expect

When they dropped the trailer for the Justice League
They had us deceived
And under the impression that it was gonna be the cream of the crop
But it ended up that what was received looked like a low-budget piece of shit

The time has come for you to join the front lines with us
Fight for what you believe in even when they try to front
And rise above ’cause Zack has sacrificed enough
So we gon riot unless they release the Snyder Cut

And time has come for you to join the front lines with us
Fight for what you believe in even when they try to front
And rise above ’cause Zack has sacrificed enough
So we gon riot unless they release the Snyder Cut

Zack has sacrificed enough
Release the Snyder Cut

The song was apparently organized by the @RTSnyderCut twitter account, which was previously organizing people to tweet in favor of the Snyder Cut. The effort ended up making #ReleaseTheSnyderCut go trending for some time and receiving additional mainstream coverage.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore

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